Tuesday, February 27, 2007

This is my second post...woohoo

For those of you who just couldn't wait for Hangnail the sequal, I'll give you a little hint. Think toes not fingers. Still wondering? Ok, drum roll please (have no idea how to type a drum roll but I guarantee that I tapped on my desk a couple of times to simulate it).....Both big toes! There you have it ladies and gentlemen. The evil truth my sock stealing dryer has been trying to reveal for years. And now that the ugly truth is out, I hope I can finally fold a batch of laundry and find a complete pair of socks. I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

This is my first post...woohoo

I don't really have anything to say and can't imagine anyone actually being interested in reading it even if I did but I have been pressured to be blog savvy. That being said, I have a hangnail. This is edge of your seat drama here. Stay tuned for more fun and exciting thoughts.