Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The May Post

The theme for the month is "The Suckage of Charter". I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. (foot stomp). I have given up. I think my theme for next month will be....So, this is how it feels to be with Direct TV. And I don't care if my need for TV borders on addiction. The first person who tries to sit me down for a TV intervention is gonna get hit in the head with this useless charter cable box.

On to new topics... Friend and family drama. It seems that this month has been jam packed with people feeling the need to call me and vent or to talk over problems. And lets face it folks, I'm not the most sensitive person so you can imagine the less than sympathetic comments that are flying out of my mouth. And yet, I still get called. I think people are starting to like the abuse.

MOBICON, would I go back... Well I rank the trip as having a few high spots. 1. I got to spend some time with my honey. 2. Carrabba's. Need I say more about that. 3. Jim Butcher Q and A was funny. 4.NINJA WARRIOR MARATHON! 5. Got my very own dice. 6. And coot T-shirts.

So, yeah I would go back but probably not for the 'registered' fun. At least my costume was comfy.

Well I think I've hit the highlights for the month here. Stay tuned for next months Direct TV update.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The April Post

Its 3AM on a Sunday morning and due to a doctor prescribed combo of meds for my upper respiratory inflammation, I am wide awake. I would complain but it really is working for the congestion and I only have a few more days of taking them. I didn't realize I was feeling so bad until the meds reminded me what actually feeling good was like. Oxygen is a lovely thing. I highly recommend it!

I got a treadmill this month. Been a little sick to utilize it yet as much as I would like but I have managed to get in a couple of days. And David, who really wasn't enthusiastic about getting a treadmill (he wanted a stationary bike), seems to like using it. Its a gym quality piece that I got for a steal from a friend who just wanted to get it out of her house. She had weight loss surgery and has lost a ton of weight but does all her exercises at the gym now and didn't need a home treadmill. Lucky for me.

I spent lots of this last week getting my sisters house in order for the new baby (to arrive at any time now). 9 months of pregnancy and between her and her boyfriend, they never even managed to get the baby's room cleared out. It was an office that had been beaten into submission with a baseball bat. Literally. Between the drywall work and that fact that it was painted dark navy, it took some elbow grease to get it ready for a little girl. After my sister called in a panic that they were going to induce last friday (which didn't happen) and she didn't have anything ready, I knew it was time for a big sister to the rescue moment. I quizzed my sister about her ideas for the room and then I went shopping. My mom and I basically took over her house. I actually told her boyfriend that they'd had 9 months to get it together their way but now it was our turn to do it our way. Believe me, they needed the help. So we turned that dark office into a light lavender baby's room with a Disney Princess theme which was what my sisters vision had been. It was so beautiful that my sister actually cried. Making a pregnant woman cry never felt so good.

Friday, March 7, 2008

The March Post

So I had the wrist surgery. Still waiting to get my stitches out and to talk to my doctor. Hoping all is well. I have a new respect for people with only one hand. I am only limited in my use and it sucks. Work is crazy busy but hey, now I get to come home and confess all my sins to the reverend Dave. Can't tell you how much better that makes me feel.

I hear we may have some snow tonight. "The day I become a reverend's wife is the day hell freezes over..." Well who knew Louisiana was synonymous for Hell. The people at work keep telling me I need to start dressing like a reverend's wife, complete with bun. I'm sure you can guess which finger that comment earns them.

Well the rest of this month looks like work, work, work so I guess I should go get started.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The February Post

One post a month. I can do it. And how sad is it that I have absolutely nothing to say about the whole month of January. I worked. I slept. I ate. I shopped. Notice that the work portion of that came first. Too much to do and not enough hands to do it. How do you pipet when you can't put pressure on your thumb. How do you open tiny tube when you keep losing feeling in your fingers. The answer of course is surgery to fix the problem, whatever the problem ends up being. So that is what I'll be doing at the end of this month. Of course next months post will be all about watching the surgery as it happens cause the doc said I could be awake and just have my arm numb. Is it disturbing that I want to watch it? My boss thinks so. Any opinions?

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

One Day Only!

How many people out there made a New Year's resolution? And of those people, how many failed after just one day? Kind of depressing isn't it. Well, being utterly lazy, I made no resolutions. Is that worse than making one and failing? Probably.

Oh well, its a brand new year and even though it will take me until April to remember to write 8 instead of 7, it looks to be exciting. Home remodel being the biggest plan in our future. Should be interesting she says sarcastically.

Happy New Year! May all your resolutions or lack of resolutions make you happy. At least until the next holiday....